Imd Corporate

Creating Happiness through Human Capital Development and Sustainbility.

TAQEEM is a product for assessing the skills, knowledge, attitudes, and personality traits of individuals and teams. It is based on the most well-known tests and psychometric assessments. The product is subdivided into several sub-products each of which aims to assess specific areas of interest that will help in screening the individuals’ capabilities and characters.
The product could be used for personal assessment or organizational assessment for employees in different levels of management; operational, first line managers, supervisors, or top management.

To increase self-awareness of individuals and employers which would enhance productivity, reduce costs, improve recruitment processes, facilitate TNA (Training Needs Assessment), and facilitate training and development.

TAQEEM project includes different types of tests, specifically:
I. General Tests: includes employment tests, psychometric tests, and general tests applicable to all types of employees. These measure the general skills, and knowledge; languages, computer skills, reasoning, logical thinking, and personality type. 

II.Special Tests: these are designed for testing specific skills, for specific job competencies. These tests are field related; engineering tests, medical tests, financial…etc. The tests will be agreed on with the organization based on a specific need.